Sunday, June 22, 2014

Online Searching for Job Vacancies: Development Part 1

It is about time to apprise the readers or followers of this blog on the development of my online search for job vacancies.  In my previous post entitled, "Searching for Job Vacancies," I shared to you what transpired on my experience on job searching via online.  It was recommended to personally apply for work rather than merely submitting it online.

In this post, I would still prescribe the same action assuming that you have an easy access to the place where you wanted to apply for work.  After having searched online for a job vacancy, supposing there is one where you felt you are qualified to apply, do not stop by submitting your application documents online.  It is a must to pursue your intent of applying for work by personally forwarding your personal documents to the particular employer you chose to be employed with.

Since I posted the article mentioned above, there was only one government agency which acknowledged receipt of my email attaching my letter of intent to apply with resume.  All other agencies including private companies where I applied via email without personally submitting my application letter and resume did no such action anent the matter.  That being so, an applicant is left hanging in the air if applying only through email.

However, this is not the case concerning those agencies where I personally delivered my application documents.  By handling your documents, a copy of which will be dated and signed by whoever is authorized to receive such documents as proof of receipt.  Said copy can be kept as your personal record so that if you make a follow-up as to the status of your application, you can show proof that you have submitted documents relating to the position you are applying for.  Aside from that, the person authorized to receive your application letter with resume will advise you on what to do next.  In this case, you will have an idea on what will happen and what will you do after.

I have been contacted by those agencies where I handed my application documents to inform me that I am scheduled for examinations and interviews for possible employment.  All I have to do now, insofar as this batch of submission of application letter and resume is concerned, is to wait and hope that I will be chosen for the position.

(The photos in this post are not owned by the author.)

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